We’re rolling out some new features and specials this fall – here’s an overview of what’s ahead in the next few weeks:

Starting the week of September 4th:


Each Monday on KUSC.org, we’ll post Trio, a quick, curated list of  three events we think you’ll love, including one that’s free. Trio will be replacing the Play On, California! Blog. We began Play On, California! at the start of the pandemic to showcase the evolving ways our incredible local performing arts groups and musicians were adapting to zoom performances and more. Now, as local groups have steadily returned to more in-person performances (and some have adopted a hybrid model), we’re excited to highlight three upcoming events each week.

Saturday Morning Car Tunes

Saturdays at 8:15am and 3:15pm, Solomon Reynolds tosses you inside the orchestra pit for a deep dive into classical music and orchestral instruments. Why does the viola play second fiddle to the violin? Where are some surprising places to hear the bassoon? What even is a clarinet? This fun and funky feature is approximately 5 minutes and perfect for families en route to their Saturday activities.

Starting the week of September 18th:

Classical Californians

Tune in Wednesdays at 7pm as we hand the mic to a new “Classical Californian” – a California-based musician, composer, conductor, or other notable Californian who will share a few favorite pieces and stories behind them with our Classical California community. Get to know the people who make the Golden State’s classical scene sing.

The Coolest Thing I Heard This Week

Our hosts always have their ears open for music you’ll love, and we bring you their exciting discoveries with The Coolest Things I Heard This Week. Each Friday, hosts will have one track in their shift designated The Coolest Thing I Heard This Week. We’ll hear the music, the host’s personal connection to the piece, and why we think our listeners will find it cool, too.

September 23:

Hispanic Heritage Month Special

Brisa Siegel, host of Classical California’s Nuestra Música stream shares two hours of classical music from the Spanish-speaking world.

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